On October 5th 2013, I'll be presenting a Full Day Workshop in Central London to demonstrate the methods and techniques that I use in my personal success coaching and presented in the ground-breaking book, TEAM ME. This One-day Workshop will give you 5 Simple Steps to:
Hi, I’m Pad - professional Success Coach and the author of the ground-breaking book, TEAM ME. I want to invite you to explore this unique opportunity and learn how to make significant shifts in your life in just one day. I will present you with a unique model that will give you practical understanding of your unique identity *and* demonstrate with numerous attendees (one of whom could be YOU) just how significantly things can change as a shift occurs at this core level. The Team Me approach will enable you to truly understand who you are and help you rapidly assess your strengths and weaknesses. It will provide you the tools to bring about change at both your conscious and unconscious thinking. “So, Take a Look at Your Life and Ask Yourself Seriously |
Dr Claire Gaudry is a higher learning mentor and an expert ‘brain shifter’. A recipient of the HEduBT, a European Doctorate in Biotechonology awarded to PhD graduates for excellence in international doctoral research, she has spent almost a decade in academic research, including over 4 years at Northwestern University in Chicago working with the best in the field of cellular adhesion. Dissatisfied by the lack of practical impact her scientific work had for people and passionate about pushing the boundaries of potential, she decided to refuse an assistant professor position at an elite university to become a coach, trainer, trainer’s trainer, speaker and UK operations manager for a Korean international brain-based personal development company, overseeing the mentoring of 800 clients every month |
James Lawson, Performance Coach NLP MPrac. James spent 12 successful years writing & producing music, headlining tents at some of the largest music festivals globally. He released over 100 records, has been featured on over 50 compilation albums and has hit the Top 40 twice. Towards the end of this run of success, he found that keeping his creative edge became a challenge. This is something that he overcame by self-applying Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Having discovered this wonderful technology, a passion for coaching gradually took over. |
- Are not completely content with your progress in life
- Are stuck with a personal or professional issue you'd love to resolve - but don't know where to begin
- Have ever felt you're *not enough* (we'll blow that out of the water in Session 4)
- Are involved in coaching, mentoring or counselling and therapy work – seeking to get the best out of others (did you see ICF Master Coaches' feedback on the videos?)
- Are managing teams within business organisations
- Sometimes feel distinctly ‘out of your depth’ (Session 6 will eradicate this )
- Are not able to effortlessly step up to any challenge that comes your way
And I must add that time and again I've found the connections you make in events like this prove to be beneficial for years to come - as it brings together people who are committed to stepping up in life - and you need people like that around you.
If you haven't received a promotion recently, there's a reason for that ...and it's not because of your boss, your colleagues or your peers.
Clearly something is missing. But the real solution is not what you think (or you would have found it by now).
Of course, you could choose to justify your current situation and claim it's just how it is.
So, I'm actually rather curious. Are you 'overcoming' – or merely living “a life of quiet desperation"? - as Henry Thoreau so aptly described it. If there’s even a hint of that going on with you, NOW is the time to secure your place and commit to stepping up into something a whole lot more meaningful.
“What if you discovered you had a
Highly Capable Team
inside you
just waiting to be called to the pitch!”
So book your place immediately. Places are limited and you can get the Early Bird discount if you book for 2 people before September 2nd
Are you one of those people who is all too willing and commit to investing in your home, your work, your projects or even your family, but haven’t realised what would happen if you INVESTED IN YOURSELF?
Grow in confidence and gain greater peace of mind
Advance your position by create new opportunities
Achieve greater recognition or even promotion at work (as Jen for proof of this)
Improve personal and professional relationships
Accelerate your performance
Increase your influence both professionally and socially
Obliterate procrastination – by providing motivation for more direct action
“When will your life become important
enough to invest in?"
The brilliant thing is that this one day course you will give you at least 6 hours of direct instruction, demonstration and personal discovery under my guidance – so you’re paying about six times less in cash and gaining 6 times more of time.
So the question is, would you prefer to simply get entry to the event, or seize the opportunity to gain direct access to Pad and the other event speakers by joining them all for a quality lunch.
This is very valuable information for anyone wanting to improve their performance, who is leading a team, raising children, or simply wanting to improve a relationship.
Join me to discover how your uniqueness holds the key to your success and achievement.
I look forward to meeting you there.
Many people have studied their respective business methods, market strategies and leadership styles but I wanted to review their very different approaches from an archetypal viewpoint.
Knowing what you already know about these men I’m wondering if you have an idea of which archetypes are dominant in each of them, what would you say are the strongest traits: Sovereign, Warrior, Sage, Lover, Mystic or Jester?
After delving into Walter Isaacson’s biography on Steve Jobs – which actually contains a lot of material on Gates and shows just how closely these two interacted over the years – I was stunned at just how archetypical the behaviours of these two characters actually are.
To me, Gates has always appeared to be the more ‘left-brain’ of the two; which places him amongst the trio of Sovereign, Sage and Warrior. Jobs appeared to be just the opposite; whilst there’s got to be some Sovereign characteristics in the mix, he generally showed much more ‘right-brain’ – creative and lateral – thinking. Again, as you get more familiar with the Team Me pack of six, you’ll see that the Lover, Mystic and Jester are the three that occupy this space.
I’ve never met either of these men, so I can only go by what I’ve seen and read., yet it’s clear to me that the Sage is the dominant archetype in Gates; and the Mystic the dominant in Jobs.
This I’ve concluded not just from the gifting that each one demonstrates, but also from the evidence of their ‘shadow sides’.
Jobs is clearly the more creative of the two. His love for form as well as function is very evident to those who appreciate that sort of thing. Jobs regarded Gates as 'unnervingly narrow' and would often lash out at Microsoft as having ‘no taste, no original ideas, no culture.’
Gates once referred to Jobs as ‘erratic’, he compared his leadership style to that of the ‘Pied Piper’ and accused him of continually overworking his staff. If that wasn’t strong enough Gates, and others, would talk about Steve’s personal ‘reality distortion field’ - claiming that he’d lapse into fantasies that could not be grounded in measurable reality. Gates also observed his frequent ‘highs’ as he talked about his latest plans and developments; then experienced his lapses into bouts of fear, during which Jobs would sometimes refer to his own staff as ‘a bunch of idiots’. He’d witness Jobs displaying a ‘whole gamut of emotions’ and employing a ‘range of manipulation techniques’.
These, as you probably know by now, are all classic traits of the Mystic archetype.
Gates, on the other hand, is far more ordered, logical, factual in his approach… but lacked imagination if you were to ask the guys at Apple. “Gates was not a good listener,” said Hertzfeld, who was working on the development of early Apple software, telling of times when Gates would not wait until the team had explained how the code worked, but would jump in with his own guess at how it was done.
Gates’ comment on his own style is also quite telling, “I’m good at when people are emotional, I’m kind of less emotional.” This, of course, is the talk of a Sage, who prides himself in his ability to remain detached.
Finally, there’s a wonderful quote from Steve Wozniak who was a significant player in the early days of mass software development. When he heard of Jobs’ return to Apple he said, “Whatever you think of Steve, he knows how to get the magic back.”
Now, take a look again at the photo of these two at Jobs’ home. A rudimentary analysis of their body language is probably all we need to confirm what makes these guys tick:
- Gates – symmetrical, poised, thoughtful, precise, neat, conservative
- Jobs – asymmetrical, relaxed, gesticulating/fidgeting, bare-foot (unconventional)
Concluding, I’m not sure that I’d have liked to have worked for either of these guys! Whilst I’m sure I could learn a huge amount from both of them, there’s just not enough of the Lover in either of them for me to feel like they have my best interests at heart.
If you've not read it, I'd recommend you get hold of a copy of Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson you'll see a lot more of the Sage (Gates) and the Mystic (Jobs) in this book than I've even begun to cover.
So what do you think? Have you seen anything else about these men that supports or contradicts my assertions above?
This technique is one that I developed to help people who find themselves exhibiting quite different behaviours in their home environment compared to their work environment. Whilst they are initially often unaware of any disparity, the situation invariably leads to a general unease or unhappiness about their life.
The initial assessment is based on the degree to which the six 'Team Me' Archetypes are active in their lives. (Listen to the dramatic audio descriptions of the 6 archetypes here) This is done separately for their personal and professional lives.
Whilst it should be recognised that a degree of difference in archetypal influence can potentially be very necessary/helpful in these two arenas, where it’s clear the individual is not happy about the differences, then some sort of intervention may well be in order.
If it seems congruently desirable to continue, this is what we do...
Step 1
I name and explain 6 key archetypes. These being: the Sovereign, the Warrior, the Lover, the Mystic, the Sage and the Jester – helping my client to find times and situations when each have been in evidence.
Step 2
I explain that each archetype:
- is merely a facet of their character, an expression of themselves
- can, and does, ‘rise or fall in influence’ at various times
- always has a positive intent and can achieve much good, yet can become a problem if too strong in its influence
- can be called upon at any time when their specific strengths are required in a given situation
Step 3
I draw the following chart with them and ask that they grade the relative strength of each of their archetypes, on a scale of 0 to 10, in their personal/home life.
A live session example response was as follows:
After using a completely unrelated question to break their state and ‘clear the screen’, I then ask that they do the same exercise for their work situation – showing the degree to which each of these archetypes manifest their characteristic influence in their professional lives.
The below is from the same real life session.
Step 5
I highlight the archetype/s that have the greatest numeric discrepancy and, having enquired a little further into the situation, I ask if the client would like the power of their [named strong archetype] in their professional world – for example - to share their influence with the [same archetype] in their personal world.
In the live example above, whilst there are clearly big differences in several areas (including Warrior and Lover), the biggest discrepancy is found with the Sage – where it is evidently very strong in his professional life but weak in his life at home. Whilst this may have much to do with environmental conditioning, it was clear that he saw that addressing this was a matter of growth and maturity for him.
Step 6
Assuming the client does want to redress the imbalance that has been identified, an appropriate technique is employed.
What I have found to be most effective at this point is a Parts Integration. Parts Integration causes the apparent ‘internal partitions’ of the archetype’s influence to dissolve, enabling the archetype to freely perform its role in either sphere without the original (and unhelpful) limiting constraints.
Step 7
A supporting technique may also be employed such as an anchoring of the archetype ‘in full-swing’ – so that the client can trigger the state desired at any time. (In this example, this would be most useful in the Personal sphere, when the client had previously found themselves disempowered in this role of Sage.)
Step 8
Finally, as a test, we break their current state and future-pace, to test that the client genuinely feels the change has occurred.
In subsequent sessions we would discuss how the client’s behaviours have changed at home and/or at work in the light of the intervention.
Pad is a trusted adviser to business leaders across the globe. He is Director at Come Alive Success Coaching ltd. and the Author of TEAM ME - How to Play Your Best Game in Life, and TEAM GUY - Forging Men of Soul & Steel.
Pad works with high net worth individuals to help them connect to their unique identity, illuminate paths of opportunity and reignite their passion for life.
More about Pad >>
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Archetypes Profile
Brian Tracy
Carl Jung
Flow States
Law Of Attraction
Online Coaching
Personal Archetypes
Personal Development
Personality Profiling
Professional Development
Prosperity 2014
Remote Teams
Roger Hamilton
Safe Awareness
Self Awareness
Shadow Archetypes
Team Me
Wealth Dynamics